The Type 2 Superhero Society: Empire WorldbuildingDaniel EavensonMay 9, 2021Marvel, DC, superheroes, My Hero Academia, hero, power, governmentComment
The Type 1 Superhero Society: Powers go Wide WorldbuildingDaniel EavensonApril 30, 2021Marvel, DC, SuperheroesComment
The Type 0 Superhero Society aka The Golden Age WorldbuildingDaniel EavensonApril 23, 2021super, heroes, superheroes, marvel, dcComment
We live in a, superhero, Society! WorldbuildingDaniel EavensonApril 16, 2021superheroes, marvel, DCComment
Worldbuilding: Uncertainity WorldbuildingDaniel EavensonOctober 18, 2016Confusion, Take the World as it is, Money, Economy, PriceComment
Currency and Worldbuilding WorldbuildingDaniel EavensonAugust 20, 2015John Wick, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Star Wars, Star Trek, The Stormlight Archive, PopularComment