Contribute to the world of JUNO!
This is the place to give me your pitch for adding to the world of JUNO. This submission will be for a 500-word blog post describing your idea and how it fits into the world of JUNO. You do not need to submit the blog post; we just want to hear your ideas. If we like it, we will then contact you to work out the post. Please make yourself familiar with the world either at the blog or on World Anvil. You can also check out this post for a quick onboarding of all our material so far.
Pitches that are chosen for publication to the blog will be paid SFWA rates for their completed blog. Currently that is .08 cents per word! So please let me pay you for your cool idea and include it in the world of Juno!
Once you’ve made your submission, we hope to get back to you quickly. We will then work together to hone your idea and make sure it fits into the existing JUNO lore. This will include rounds of edit once you’ve got a draft of the final blog post. If you have any questions please feel free to drop in to the comments of any of the blog posts or you can join the official JUNO discord.