NaNoWriMo 2016 - Day 16

I'm doing ok. Seems like I won't hit the word count but I'm feeling good about completing the story. Getting this novel, my third novel, finished feels like something that's needed for me to keep writing. I need to finish this. It's a story that I am enjoying writing but doesn't have the energy and the enthusiasm of my first two books.  

The first one took a long time. Almost four years and two NaNoWriMo's to finish, but it was a lot of figuring out if I could even do this. If I could write all those words and make an interesting story and still enjoy the process at the end.

The second was a sprint of eight months where I had a story that was fun and engaging the whole way through and I ended up with a story that most people that have read it seem to enjoy.(Unlike my first book)

As we reach the 1 year anniversary of writing the first draft of my third book, I think this is what the "work" of writing is going to feel like. This is what writing as a permanent part of my life is going to be, and when I'm done I'll have to re-evaluate whether I want to continue. I can't imagine that I wouldn't but reflection is necessary. Taking a minute to breathe before I jump off the bridge again with book 4 can only help me get where I'm going safer.  

ok. Keep writing.