One time I got paid to be a Dungeon Master DiaryDaniel EavensonMay 17, 2019Dungeons & Dragons, kids, compensation, dreams, Popular, FavoriteComment
How do you get someone to read a 100K word book? DiaryDaniel EavensonFebruary 22, 2019Beta readers, Writing, Writing is hardComment
Things that Distract DiaryDaniel EavensonFebruary 6, 2019twitter, drama, writing group, distractions Comment
Review: Sufficiently Advanced Magic by Andrew Rowe ReviewDaniel EavensonMay 18, 2018magic, fantasy, magic as science, Tower ClimbComment
Lets! Write! Some blog posts! Again! DiaryDaniel EavensonFebruary 5, 2018Des Plaines Public LibraryWriting Group, Dungeons & Dragons, depressionComment