Lets! Write! Some blog posts! Again!
Hey look! Its that thing on the internet I've been paying for and not using for like six months. Some would call it a Blog. I think of it as yet another thing I'd like to spend time on and instead just continue my march through Destiny 2.
Looking back at what I did in 2017, I think there's a lot to be proud of. I stopped writing reviews and regular blogs back in June, but six months of continuous work on this thing is exactly what I wanted to be doing. Trying to get back into the habit of writing at least once a week.
I do like writing. Even though I've been struggling with it. I know that I go through these phases and they can be long. This one is like a multi-year lull. That's a lot longer then most of these down turns I experienced. Though of course the longest one probably stretches from college all the way to 2012(I'm not a hundred percent sure when I started writing Dave Woke Up. Those were blurry dark days).
I'm in writing group right now. I'm listening to a room full of writers all kind of express their own slow starts into 2018. We are all encouraging each other, trying to help ourselves with those same words of comfort. It works most of the time. I think it's working today.
I don't talk about my group that much with other people. We are a weird group because we don't actually critique each others writing that often. It was more common in the beginning when we all had a backlog of stories to share. Maybe the next one of these things I'll dig into the makeup of our little group. They've probably influenced my writing more then anyone else so I think it's worthy of its inspection.